My Question on Social Media
My question on social media was this: “What are some things we do that ‘give place to the devil?’” I was pleased that several people responded, and I’ll give some of those shortly.
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First let’s consider what it means to “give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4: 27 NKJV).
Various Bible translations say:
“nor give place to the devil.” NKJV
“and do not give the devil a foothold.” NIV
“and give no opportunity to the devil.” ESV
“and do not give the devil an opportunity.”
“Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold
in your life.” MSG
In Ephesians 4, Paul gives practical instructions to the Body of Christ—equipping the saints—on how to “walk worthy of the calling with which you were called” (Ephesians 4:1b NKJV).
Much sound advice is given throughout Paul’s epistle. As I read, I was drawn to verse 27, and asked myself, “What do I tend to do or not do that gives place to the devil?”
Though Paul wrote it with regard to handling anger, I wanted to consider it regarding life in general.
To see it in the context Paul intended, look at verses 25-27: “Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. ‘Be angry and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.”
Boy oh boy, when we’re mad, its often hard not to give the devil a foothold through our thoughts, our speech, or our actions.
“The Greek word for place (topos) emphasized that believers can actually give ground in their lives to satanic control.” *
Please ask yourself what are ways in which you give the devil a piece of your territory—a foothold—a crack in the door.
For me, there are several situations where I’m vulnerable in this area. Just to name a couple: when I’m hurt or offended, or when I see someone taken advantage of. In such instances I need to guard my heart and watch my mouth. (Proverbs 4:23-27)
Proverbs 4:23-27
NIV <> 23Above all else,
guard your heart, for everything
you do flows from it. 24Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep
corrupt talk far from your lips. 25Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your
gaze directly before you. 26Give careful thought to the paths for your feet
and be steadfast in all your ways. 27Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your
foot from evil.
In the comment section below, feel free to give some of your own responses to my question.
Here are some of the answers I got from my social media question:
Kate - Hang around when people are gossiping or being rude, watching movies, media, or ads that make us question God's goodness or provision, not staying with a Sunday school class or home group for encouragement and accountability.
Johnny – For when you are angry you give a mighty foothold for the devil
Cheryle - Believe his lies. When we give in to anger or being offended or bitterness or unforgiveness...
Nancy - Self-pity and complaining.
Ellen – Gossiping.
Robert – Careless talk
Leila – Concentrating on temporal things more than spiritual things
Odessa - No longer having the fear of the Lord. That is the beginning of wisdom and understanding and departing from evil. To do otherwise is giving a place to the devil.
Andrea - Holding on to bitterness and offense is a huge way! The root word of offense comes from the word for bait inside of a trap. If we let offense take root in our heart it will open up to all kinds of other problems where the enemy can build a stronghold.
Cheryl – Not putting on the Armor of God.
Shirley – being out of obedience.
When I posted the question a couple of days ago, it was not my intention to gather blog material, but the responses were so good I decided to share them here. Hope you found them helpful and encouraging. After all, iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17)
Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are welcome.
©Copyright 2020 Connie Wohlford
*Spirit Filled Life Bible – New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN; commentary, page 1793
Anger, injustice, fear (am I good enough), acceptance (do they like me), when I don't rest. All are invitations to allow Satan to "tighten his grip." We must be on constant guard. This is where I need the Holy Spirit the most; to help me be attuned to temptations.
ReplyDeleteOh man! I hear ya there, J.D. I believe Satan knows our weaknesses and sets traps for us. Yes, we sure do need for the Holy Spirit to help us overcome.
DeleteThanks for the honesty in your comment.
Comparing ourselves to others opens that door. Connie, thank you for the verses you shared and examples to help us keep guard the door from our evil enemy.
ReplyDeleteJeannie, I often have that same issue. It can really be a drawback in using our gifts and living the abundant life God wants for us. Thanks so much for your helpful comment.