Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dear Listening American Church (those who have ears, let them hear)

Dear Listening American Church
(those who have ears, let them hear) By Lori Roeleveld

Today for my blog post, I am sharing a recent post of a writer friend of mine, Lori Roeleveld. Lori is an award winning blogger/author and one of the cleverest bloggers I’ve ever read.

I believe you will not only enjoy her words but will be challenged as well. 

She opens her post:  

Dear Listening American Church (those who have ears, let them hear),
This week, our country will witness another transition of power at the highest level. The election was brutal on the entire nation but the Christian church took hits from within and without. Many are feeling, at the very least, beat up, battered, or bewildered. Others are resentful and angry. Still others harbor self-righteousness and smug pride. All of us are weary and wondering what the future holds. Now is an opportunity for the church to facilitate healing, restoration of truth, and reconciliation within the body of Christ.
Please click the link below to read the rest of Loris insightful commentary:

Lori Roeleveld describes herself as, “Just Another Hobbit, Disturbed by Jesus, Living the Adventure. Like you, I don’t want to remain stuck in the small story of my small mind, my stunted soul, my lesser life. I want to follow Jesus into His great story; my mind transformed, my soul expanded, my life lived to the full. 


Your comments are welcome.
©Connie Wohlford 2017

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What To Do With Those Christmas Cards

What To Do With Those Christmas Cards—
   Maybe the Best Idea Yet...

What To Do
(With Those Christmas Cards.)
They’re beautiful, meaningful, delightful and cute.
Precious, entertaining, an emotion pursuit.

They sparkle with glitter and colors galore.
New Year’s Day nudges in—do you trash them or store?

Those Christmas cards, on display for the season,
Have now become clutter—can you think of a reason

To keep them or hoard them or stash them away?
“Oh—how shall I handle this dilemma?” I say.

All the pictures of children and couples and pets
Seems a shame to just dump them and feel no regrets.

And the Babe in the manger—how holy is He!
See those sweet little lambs and the wise men—all three.

The shepherds with angels announcing His birth,
So many greetings are surely of worth.

Now I have an idea and I’ll share it with you.
It will bless every sender as well as you too.

Each day before dawn when you meet with the Lord,
Pull a card, ask God’s blessings that person toward.

Be amazed then and see how the Lord helps you pray,
For He knows what that person will go through that day.

By Connie Wohlford   --   January 3, 2017

Okay, so I don’t claim to be a great poet and actually had no plan to write a poem for this post, but well, it just happened. More importantly though, did you get the message from the little rhyme?

To preserve, enjoy and make use of your Christmas cards in a meaningful way, consider the above suggestion.

Put your 2016 Christmas cards in a box, basket, or napkin holder. Each day, pull out the one in front (or on top) and pray for the person or family who sent that card. Most of us probably didn’t get 365 cards so when you’ve gone through all the cards, just start again at the beginning. You might want to add in other cards you receive during the year, as I do. These might be birthday cards and even thank you notes. 

Many times I have found that the very person I pray for on a given day has a specific need at that specific time. Sometimes before the day is over I learn of that need if it’s not something I’m already aware of. Every time this happens, I’m amazed again of God’s omniscience and love for each of us. Sometimes I’ve even called the person to tell them theirs was the card I pulled out that morning. They too are then reminded of the awesomeness of our God. 

Several years ago a friend gave me this idea and even made a holder for my cards. I love praying for my loved ones, adding this method to my regular prayer routine, and it only takes a few extra seconds each day. It’s a prayer connection I would otherwise not likely have with these individuals.  

We don’t send out a huge number of cards but if any of the recipients are doing this same thing with their Christmas cards I’m grateful for their prayers.

What do you do with your Christmas cards at the end of the holiday season? I and others who read this will enjoy learning your ideas.

God bless you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

©Connie Wohlford 2017