Monday, November 7, 2016

Is a donkey or an elephant of more value than the cross?

Is a donkey or an elephant of more value than the cross?

So have we had enough of political jargon yet? Are we fed up with hacks and hatchets in the realm of US politics? I’m thinkin, “YES!”

Well, it’s almost over and tomorrow is the big day. It’s hard to believe that there really are some folks out there who are yet undecided, so they say. They also say that many Americans are so fed up they don’t even plan to cast a ballot.
So at this point, just a few hours before the poles open, I’d like to throw in my two cents worth.

I approach voting from my personal Christian world view. I like to be as informed as I can, weigh the pros and cons of the candidates and questions on the ballot, PRAY a lot, and go vote at the appointed time.

I believe this is the process by which most other Christians enter the ballot booth.

How do I become informed? 

I listen to and read about the candidates. I listen to the opinions of people whom I admire and respect. I check out the party platforms, although I admit I have not read every single word of either one, I have read parts of each. 

I do all this prayerfully throughout the process and then I pray some more.  

I love my country. I love learning about U.S. history. Just last week my husband and I toured Montpelier, the home of James Madison, who is known as the Father of the U.S. Constitution. We took what they call the “Constitution Tour,” which focuses on the forming of our Constitution. All Americans should learn as much as possible about the founding of our nation. It’s all quite an amazing story. 

Montpelier - Home of James & Dolley Madison

So, back to Election 2016—if you are an American citizen, I encourage you to exercise your right to vote on our nation’s leader. Give it your best shot—and do it prayerfully. We don’t have a perfect candidate because Jesus’ name is not on the ballot.

Don’t consider party loyalty either because neither the elephant nor the donkey is more valuable than the cross of Christ.
On November 9, 2016, do be able to say, “I did my part. I voted.”

May God help us! Your comments are welcome below.

If you want to see more photos from our visit to Montpelier, go to my Facebook page:

©Connie Wohlford 2016

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