Kids—For such a time as this
Are you anxious about the world in which you’re raising
your children?
Does your plea to God go something like: “Oh, God, what
kind of world are my children growing up in—so much hate and violence!”?
It happened again a couple days ago. My friend, who’s a
young mom with an infant and a four year old, posted: “Unlike a lot of people
these days, I will teach my children to love—not hate, judge, or condemn. It
breaks my heart that this is the world my sweet babies have to grow up in.”
My reply to her: “Good for you. Always know that God
deliberately put you and your babies on the planet for just this time in
history to serve His great purpose. You’re teaching them about God and His
ways—that’s the main thing.”
Hers is the heart cry of many parents today. The world is
scary and seems to get worse with each passing day.
I can’t imagine raising children without the hope of
Christ—without the assurance that my children (and grandchildren) are on God’s
side and in His care.
Even in cases where a child has wandered away from God or
is floundering in their faith, parents can still pray in faith for the prodigal
and confused. Those parents can still have the assurance that God knows, God
cares, and God loves their child even more that the parents themselves (which
is hard to even imagine).
We parents and grandparents look out across the landscape
of our world and see all manner of possible troubles heading in the direction
of our innocent offspring. Our insides may tremble at the horrors both real and
When our minds go wild with the terrifying possibilities
we have got to STOP! We must lasso and pull in these destructive thoughts. “For
the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for pulling
down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to
the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
So we need to know that we have access to supernatural
weapons. We don’t stand alone, struggling to protect our children from evil
whether it be man-made or demonic. God wants to fight for us and alongside of
us. And He has an angelic army at His bidding. In the world are many arguments
and high things exalting themselves against the knowledge of God. A synonym for
argument is influence. There are countless influences and high-minded people
out there who are against God and all that God represents. But what is our
knowledge of God and how can we bring our thoughts captive into the obedience
of Christ?
Let’s look at that passage in The Message:
“The world is unprincipled. It’s
dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight
our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t
for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire
massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped
philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting
every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped
by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every
obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity” (1
Corinthians 10:4-6 The Message).
So we can be confident that God knows what He’s doing. He
determines when each of us is born. He planned out when Moses would be born and
knew how He would protect him from the murderous hands of Pharaoh’s soldiers.
He had it all figured out when to put a ruddy,
bright-eyed boy on Bethlehem’s hillsides tending sheep. Then in God’s timing,
that shepherd boy became a man after God’s own heart and the greatest king in
Israel’s history.
God saw to it that Billy Graham would be born in 1918 and
grow up on a dairy farm near Charlotte, North Carolina. He came to be known as
America’s Pastor, and showed the way to salvation to millions of souls around
the globe.
And in the fullness of time, God sent His Son to redeem
Mankind. Jesus was born to just the right earthly parents, at just the right
time, and in just the right place. Then on just the right day, He was crucified
to pay the debt we owed for our sins. And in just the right instant He was
quickened back to life.
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Child worshiping God |
We needn’t question why God brought our little ones into
such a harsh world. Instead we can be confident that His timing is impeccable.
When Esther feared for her life at the request of her
elder cousin, Mordecai, he then said to her, “Yet who knows whether you have
come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
We can be sure that our children, our grandchildren, and
we ourselves have been born into this world for such a time as this. Just like
David we can be confident that God knew us before we were born. He knew ahead
of time the things we would say and do. He watched over us as we were formed in
our mother’s womb and prophesied His great plan for our lives, as he wrote in Psalms
Does this mean that our kids will always make the right
decisions and stay on the straight and narrow? No. We didn’t, did we?
Like us, they have free will. And we really wouldn’t
change that. So we pray, and train, and teach, and pray some more. And in all
that, we trust God, knowing he handpicked each of us to be on His planet at His
timing in history.
Back to my friend with the infant and four year old. In
her next comment in our conversation, she said, “When
your 4 year old randomly starts singing ‘God is on the move—hallelujah!’ you
know you're doing something right. lol”
Yes, amen! She and her
husband are doing lots right. Let’s rear our children, according to God’s instructions,
not binging intimidated by the world around us. We’re not in this alone. God
has given us everything we need to get this most important job right. “His
divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence”
(2 Peter 1:3 ESV).
Let’s pray. Oh, Lord, You know the cries of our hearts.
Thank You that You hear our pleas and that You care. We’re grateful that You
told us to cast our cares on You for You care for us. Though hard to imagine,
we know You love our children even more than we do ourselves. Help us to bring
them up in the discipline and instruction of You, Lord. Thank You, Father for
hearing and answering our prayers. In Jesus name—Amen.
2017 Connie Wohlford
Connie, With both of my sons newly married, I have concern for the condition of our world when it comes to raising my grandchildren. But I know God is still in control and that sets my heart at peace.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this sweet post with such a beautiful and heartfelt prayer.
God bless our little ones and their parents! (and grandparents)
Yes, indeed, Beckie. I have eight grandchildren and it is a great concern. But I do remind myself that God put my grands on the earth for such a time as this. Also, I remind them of that as well.