Holy Week: Last Supper, Gethsemane, Betrayal, Arrest
In my previous Holy Week blog posts we witnessed Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, (Palm Sunday); we saw Him shake things up at the Temple; we rejoiced as He blessed children and healed the afflicted; we heard Him teach about love.
Now let’s move on to Thursday.
On this day the celebration of Passover began. (FYI- Today, April 9, 2020, is the first day of Passover.)
“Now on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying to Him, ‘Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?’ And Jesus said, ’Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him. “The Teacher says, ‘My time is at hand; I will keep the Passover at your house with My disciples.’”
“So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them; and they prepared the Passover. When evening had come, He sat down with the twelve. Now as they were eating, He said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me.’” (Matthew 26:17-23 NKJV).
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Illustration by Lesley James from
The Lord has Need of YOU by Connie Wohlford
“Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you; For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.’
“And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” (Matthew 26:26-30 NKJV).
Quoting from my book, The Lord Has Need of YOU:
“That night, in a garden called Gethsemane, Jesus and His disciples, except for Judas, went to pray.
“Hours passed, the torches burned out, and the disciples all nodded off. But Jesus was still praying. He knew He was facing a lot of pain and suffering.
“In the end, He cried out, ‘Oh, My Father, if it is possible, let there be another way. Nevertheless, not My will but Your will be done.’

“Judas led soldiers to Jesus and kissed His cheek to show the soldiers He was the one they wanted. Judas had betrayed his best friend.
“The muscular soldiers grabbed Jesus and led Him away to face the high priest, Caiaphas. Jesus had been accused of breaking laws.
“A few hours later, Jesus was handed over to Pontius Pilate, a Roman government official. Pilate brought Jesus before the people and asked them, ‘What do you want me to do with your King?’” *
Here we are now, on Friday morning. Please check in tomorrow as we continue in Holy Week.
At the beginning of this week I encouraged you to read, in your Bible, about the last days of Jesus’ life. Quite a bit happened in those few days. I hope you’re doing that. If not, you can start now. Begin your reading at these points: Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19:28, and John 12:12. Go ahead and read through to the end of each of the Gospels between now and Easter Sunday. Be blessed with me as we learn Jesus.
Each day this week, I’m posting a few highlights from those amazing days in history. Also, I’m using some of the pictures and quotes from my book titled, The Lord has Need of YOU.* The illustrations are watercolor paintings by artist, Lesley James.
Thank you for traveling with me through these extraordinary days. God bless you.
*The Lord Has Need of YOU, by Connie Wohlford. Copyright Connie Wohlford, 2019, Hoot Books Publishing.
*The Lord Has Need of YOU can be purchased directly from me via email author@conniewohlford.com or through Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1687536104/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0
©Copyright 2020 Connie Wohlford
This week is always a "difficult journey" for me. Thank you for helping me mark each step in the journey. God's blessings.