of giving up something for Lent, how about...
Okay, so a couple days ago was Ash Wednesday. I heard
people talk about what they would be giving up as a sacrifice to show their
devotion to God. A biggie this year—and almost every year—is abstaining from eating
chocolate. Others include all sweets, coffee, carbs, cigarettes and all manner
of worldly pleasures.
Well, how about, for Lent this year, we give. No, I didn’t
leave a word off—I simply said we give.
How about we give something to God—something that would please Him—something that
shows our love and devotion to Him—something sacrificial.

Would such a personal sacrifice not
please God more than giving up chocolate? Would it not show sincere love and
devotion to our Heavenly Father?
What would a living sacrifice look like?
The Biblical idea of a sacrifice was the offering of an animal to God as an act
of worship. So when Paul spoke of a “living sacrifice” he was taking it to a
personal level.
Paul was urging us to offer ourselves
instead of killing an animal. He even said that giving ourselves, physically,
to God is a reasonable act of worship.
In doing so, Paul wants us to not be
conformed—shaped or influenced—by this world and its worldly systems. Instead
we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
We can all agree there is much in the
world that can contaminate our lives and our minds. Instead of allowing
ourselves to slip into conformity with the negatives in the world, Paul advises
that we be transformed into what is good, acceptable and in the perfect will of
In order to accomplish this we must make
a conscious effort to renew our minds. Most anything that takes a conscious
effort requires some degree of sacrifice.
What do you think God would like for you
to offer up to Him as a living sacrifice during this Lenten season?
Perhaps you haven’t opened your Bible
for a while or at least not on a regular basis. Maybe you don’t even own one.
Since Bible reading and study is essential for getting to know God well, I suggest
this just might be something that would please God and show love for Him. The
sacrifice of getting up 15-30 minutes earlier in the morning to spend time with
your Creator and in His Word can bring great personal benefits and really make
Him smile.
Or, maybe you haven’t been to church for
a while. No doubt getting involved with the body of Christ will please God. Yes,
getting up and out to attend a Christian service involves personal sacrifice
but the benefits are innumerable and, again will put a smile on your Heavenly
Father’s face.
Okay, so you’re in the Word and are active
in a local church—Hallelujah for that! Sincerely ask God what He would have you
offer to Him as your living sacrifice during this special season.
God loves a cheerful giver (2
Corinthians 9:7). Let’s each listen for His answer and then follow through and
present ourselves holy and acceptable to God in a beautiful act of worship.
Considering all He has done for us, it is but a small thing. He is worthy of
all praise and glory and honor.
So while you’re enjoying your chocolate
that you didn’t need to give up after all—take some of it to treat an elderly
person who needs a touch of love. Give of yourself to that lonely person or to
the single mom who would like to go grocery shopping without her kids for a
Don’t get me wrong. If God is telling
you to fast or give up chocolate, by all means, do so. But, in addition, you
might want to ask Him how He wants you to be a living sacrifice while preparing
for Holy Week.
Feel free to share your Lenten experiences as
a comment below.
2017 Connie Wohlford
Connie, I LOVE this post! I've been hearing so much about giving up something for Lent. I love this perspective you shared of giving something. It's making me sit down and ask God what He would want me to give. Thank you for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Crickett. I'm glad you liked it and that it caused you to pause and ask God. I'm asking God the same thing.