First Evangelist
Who do you think of when you hear the word evangelist?
For many of us, that would be Billy Graham.
By definition, an evangelist is a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially
by public preaching. (Google search)
Likely, you’ve never wondered who the first in that field
Let’s take another look at the woman at the well, as
recorded in John’s Gospel. As mentioned in my last post, she was a person who
would be unnoticed and disregarded by any Jew—especially any upstanding Jewish
man. After all she had three strikes against her: she was a Samaritan; she was
a woman; she had a bad reputation.
Yet Jesus gave her His full attention and even told her
He was, in fact, the Jewish Messiah. Other than His disciples, this unqualified
woman, whose name we don’t even know, was the first person to whom Jesus
revealed His identity as the Christ.
According to John, it was just after Jesus said, “I am He,” that His disciples showed up with lunch. They
were shocked to find Jesus having a conversation with this undesirable person.
The woman, by this time, was full to overflowing with
living water. She left her waterpot by the well and rushed back into the city
of Sychar.
John records that she went into the city and told the
men, “Come, see a man who told me all things I ever did. Could this be the
Christ?” (John 4:39)
Her enthusiasm must have been convincing. Can you imagine
the changed countenance of this woman? She was known to the locals as tainted.
She was personally insecure and guilt-ridden. But now—now—she was radiant. She
had met the Messiah—the Deliverer—Who had just delivered her from her shame and
her past. Now, all of a sudden, she was a change agent—an influencer in her
Immediately those she told left the city and went out to
see Jesus for themselves. The Gospel writer says that many people of the city
believed in Jesus because of her testimony when she said, “He told me all that
I ever did” (John 4:39).
The townsfolk then urged Jesus to stay with them for they
were hungry for more. Like the woman, they were thirsty for the living water
that only Jesus could give.
So Jesus and His disciples stayed with them in Sychar for
two days, and according to John, “Many more believed because of His own word.
Then they said to the woman, ‘Now, we believe, not because of what you said,
for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the
Savior of the world’” (John 4:41-42).
So now this city of Sychar, in the outcast region of
Samaria, is known as the first place where a large group of people became
followers of Christ. And this outcast woman was the first recorded evangelist.
She believed Jesus, then went out to tell her testimony to others and said to
them, “Come and see.”
We learn much form John’s chronicled account. Our King
will not hesitate to go to downcast places to reach downcast people. We also
see here some principles of the Great Commission. As Jesus ascended to Heaven
after His resurrection, He said, “Go and make disciples
of all nations” (Matthew 28:19a).

Without a pulpit or a title, we can tell others about
Jesus. Eloquence is not necessary and credentials are not required. Like the
woman at the well, we can each be an evangelist. We should routinely ask God to
show us who to tell and invite. I know it’s not easy for most of us, but the
Holy Spirit is well able to lead us. Also, He just may be preparing that person’s
heart to receive what we have to say.
There are lots of thirsty people out there and within
each follower of Christ is an ever-flowing fountain of living water. We have
the words of Eternal Life. Let’s tell them to, “Come and see.”
comments are welcome.
Wohlford 2016
Thank you for the reminder that we can all take part in the Great Commission!
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteYes, Connie! In my experience, people are much more receptive to hearing our personal testimony over being "preached at". People need love and to know we care. Sharing our lives with others speaks volumes. Thanks for reminding us to keep shining our lights!
ReplyDeleteAmen, Beckie. And sharing our experience helps to build a relationship which means a lot as well. Thanks for commenting.
DeleteI like what you said about her going from guilt-ridden to radiant. I thought of John the Baptist as well. Pointing people to Jesus. I appreciate the reminder that we can tell what we know of Jesus and the change He's made in our lives. Then people can trust in Him because they know Him for themselves as well!
ReplyDeleteIndeed! The 180* turnaround Jesus can give people is truly amazing grace! Thanks, Katy.