God’s kind of freedom is so incredible! When we join His
family, by receiving Jesus into our hearts, the freedom benefits blow me away.
Indeed, we’re set free from all our sins and their attachments, like Guilt. Oh yes, we may still cope
with some of the consequences, but He’s right there with us, supporting us all
the way to the end.
Freedom from sin paves the way for us to be in right
relationship with our Creator and gives us our ticket to Heaven. No denying
it—that’s the very best benefit of salvation.

I’m talking about fear of man, of my personal
insecurities, the future, the safety and well-being for myself and my loved
ones, health, finances, terrorists, provision.... Hey, this list could fill the screen—and then some.
I must admit, I continually have to remind myself, “God’s got this.” Fearlessness does not come natural for me.
I love Jesus’ reassuring words to His disciples just before He was crucified: “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27 NKJV).
From Jesus we’re assured that we needn’t be troubled nor
afraid and we can have supernatural peace. That is peace that passes
understanding which comes from the Prince of Peace himself.
I’d like to share an acrostic, using the word FREEDOM:
FEAR NOT! I’m told that some form of “Fear not” is in
the Bible 365 times—one for each day of the year. I haven’t counted for myself,
but I do know I’ve read it there many, many times.
Released from
the domain of sin and darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God
(Colossians 1:13-14).
Every sin is washed away by
the blood of Jesus, freeing us from the punishment we deserve (1 John 1:7).
Everyone is
welcome, but sadly not everyone accepts God’s offer of ultimate freedom (2
Peter 2:9).
Deliverance for
the captives, the brokenhearted, the sick and lame (Luke 4:18).
Oppression –
The Lord is a refuge for those who are oppressed and who are experiencing
trouble (Psalm 9:9).
Manifestations of
freedom in Christ can be experienced every day as we allow His Spirit to work
freely in us.
In what ways has Jesus set you free? Your comments are welcome.
Wohlford 2016
Connie, I love acrostics This one is amazing. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteCherrilynn, I know you do and I even thought of you when I decided to do this. Thanks for your kind words!