Praying for Our Children and
Every day—every single day—my parents
prayed for me. Do you have any idea how comforting that is? If you have or had
parents like that, then you know.
I actually didn’t realize this until I was
grown, but when I did I was flooded with gratitude. That awareness triggered
great feelings of love to well up in my heart—love for them and the receiving
of love from them. Only God knows of the bad things I have escaped because of
their prayer covering.
During the last couple years of their
lives, when dementia invaded their minds, I came to realize that their daily
petitions had probably ceased. Though saddened by that thought, I was confident
their prayers still echoed in the heavens and were easily recalled by our
Heavenly Father.
Have you prayed for your children (and grandchildren) today?
Here are six reasons we should pray
daily for the children in our lives:
1. It’s our responsibility. Most likely no one
else on the planet will be praying for our child every day. If you’re a
grandparent or concerned adult, although you don’t have the responsibilities of
parenting, you can still pray for the children you love.

3. We need to set an example for
children. Our children need to know that prayer is important to us and
that we pray for them daily. Our own example is our chief teaching tool as we
instruct children in spiritual matters.
4. We want our children to have an understanding of their need for salvation and that Jesus is the only way. Even young children can comprehend this at a level that makes sense to them. The Holy Spirit knows how to work in each young spirit.
Growing up in an evangelical church, I
knew at a young age, I needed salvation found only in Jesus. At age nine, I’d
been pondering this for months. I remember mentally listing my sins. Then one
Sunday I decided it was time. I walked forward and gave my hand to Pastor
Rushing and my heart to Jesus.
5. There’s a war going on and the
lives and souls of our children are the spoils. In the spiritual realm,
warfare is taking place between God’s angels and Satan’s demons. Rest assured,
Satan is real and wants our children. Jesus warned that he desires to “steal,
kill, and destroy” anyone he can (John 10:10a). That includes you, me, and the
children we love.
We can pray with confidence, knowing
our Heavenly Father wants our children too. Jesus continued, “I have come that
they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10b
NKJV). Our children need to know these things.
6. Pray for wisdom in parenting. The
role as parent is our most important job. Doing it well pays great dividends.
We’d be hard-pressed to be great parents without divine wisdom and
intervention. Consistency is key and that takes effort. Help from above is
Regarding His
statutes, God spoke through Moses: “You shall teach them to your children,
speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you
lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall write them on the doorposts of
your house and on your gates, that your days and the days of your children may
be multiplied in the land of which the Lord
swore to your fathers to give them, like the days of the heavens above the
earth.” (Deut. 11:19-21
Parenting is a daily responsibility that requires daily invoking the help and power from our Creator. God loves our kids and wants the best for our them. Only with God’s help can we do our very best to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Prov. 22:6 NKJV).
Here are seven important things to pray
for our children:
1. Pray that, at a young age, they will realize their need to have
a relationship with Jesus and will believe in and receive Him as Savior and
Lord. If your children are already older it’s not too late. Still pray they
will accept this Great Salvation (Hebrews 2:3-4).
2. Pray they will develop a keen sense of right and wrong, based on
biblical principles and a Christian worldview.
3. Pray they will love God’s Word and yearn for its daily
encouragement and instruction.
4. Pray they will hunger and thirst for righteousness which will be
reflected in their behavior and their thought life.
5. Pray they will develop a strong prayer life that leads them into
intimate fellowship with their Creator.
6. Pray they will be tuned in to the Holy Spirit’s voice leading
them day by day. This will help them avoid such things as being unequally yoked
in relationships, especially marriage (2 Corinthians 6:14).
7. Pray God’s Word over your children. As you read and study your
Bible, when you come across a passage you would desire for your kids, pray
those words over them. Even speak it out loud. When I do this, I sometimes
write the name of a certain child or grandchild next to the verse.
SO—we need to pray! We need to pray big
time—every day—for our children and for ourselves as
I’ve seen the results of allowing children to figure out spiritual matters for themselves and it’s often not a pretty sight. When we sow to the wind, we may reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7a). It’s true that sometimes they find their way to God without parental involvement. Nonetheless, from what I’ve observed, the results of sewing to the wind regarding a child’s spiritual upbringing has reaped the whirlwind indeed.
Examples I’ve witnessed have reaped addiction, sexual promiscuity and confusion, prison, mental and emotional insecurities, animosity toward God and parents, spiritual confusion, and all manner of chaos.
I’ve seen the results of allowing children to figure out spiritual matters for themselves and it’s often not a pretty sight. When we sow to the wind, we may reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7a). It’s true that sometimes they find their way to God without parental involvement. Nonetheless, from what I’ve observed, the results of sewing to the wind regarding a child’s spiritual upbringing has reaped the whirlwind indeed.
Examples I’ve witnessed have reaped addiction, sexual promiscuity and confusion, prison, mental and emotional insecurities, animosity toward God and parents, spiritual confusion, and all manner of chaos.
So, let’s pray. Let’s pray every day for our children and
grandchildren. Their eternal destiny may depend on it.
What is your greatest prayer for the children in your life? Tell God, right now. Release it to Him and take heart in knowing He hears. Thank Him and worship Him because He loves, He knows, He cares, and He can work in ways that astound us.
What is your greatest prayer for the children in your life? Tell God, right now. Release it to Him and take heart in knowing He hears. Thank Him and worship Him because He loves, He knows, He cares, and He can work in ways that astound us.
On my Facebook page, I post a scripture-based
prayer for children every day. Each one is a good springboard for our appeal to
God on behalf of the children in our lives. I’d be honored for you to check it
out. See the prayers on Facebook at this link:
©Connie Wohlford 2018
Thank you for pointing out the words we need to say about and over our children and grandchildren daily and the whys of those powerful words, too! My first grand is due in December, and I've gladly added prayers for him each day, along with my four precious children and one son-in-love, too.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome, Julie. Congratulations on you're upcoming thrill! I know you're excited beyond words.
DeleteWe have 8 grands--- all teenagers!