December Gospel of Luke Challenge
Looking at Luke Look at Jesus: Dec. 2 – Luke 2
Thanks for joining this challenge. The goal is
simple—Learn Jesus.
There are twenty-four chapters in the Gospel of Luke. The
challenge is, beginning on December 1, read Luke 1. Then on each day through
Christmas Eve, read the corresponding chapter with that day’s date. If you’re
just now starting, jump right on in.
For additional enrichment, journal or simply list the
highlights of each day’s reading. I will share my own notes some days. My
journaling will be hand written in a notebook and I won’t always have time to
type it into the computer and post it. When I can, I will enjoy doing so.
An introduction and further explanation can be found in
my blog post of November 28, 2017.
2 – Luke 2:
pray, thanking God for Jesus and for His Word. Second: read Luke 2, if you
haven’t already. Third: record meaningful highlights in a journal or tablet.
Here are my own notes as I read and meditate on Luke 2:
– The decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all should be registered. This
took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. Luke meticulously sets up the timing and political backdrop.
v. 3 –
All people went to register in the city of their origin
– Joseph took his betrothed wife, Mary, left their home in Nazareth and went to
Judea to the city of David (Bethlehem), to be registered. Mary was with child.
– While there, “she brought forth her first born Son, wrapped Him in a manger,
because there was not room for them in the inn” (v.7).
note: For more details of the account of the birth of Jesus, read the first few
chapters of The Gospels of Matthew and Mark.
v. 8 –
It was night and shepherds were out in the fields keeping watch over their
v. 9 –
An angel of the Lord appeared and the glory of the Lord shone around them. They
were afraid.
10-11 – The angel said, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring
you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to
you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
thrilling that the angel said that a Savior has been born “to you,” making his
pronouncement personal to those lowly shepherds.
– The angel tells how they’ll find the Babe.
13-14 – Suddenly a whole multitude of angels appeared praising
God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth good will toward
men!” (v.14).
15–16 - When the angels
went away the shepherds said, “Let’s go ...” They hurried off and “found Mary
and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger” (v.16).
17-18 – When they left they told others about the Child and those
who heard marveled.
– “But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
– Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had
From the book, His Name is Jesus by Connie Wohlford |
– When Jesus was eight days old, Joseph and Mary had Him circumcised and His
name was recorded. Jesus was the name given them by the angel before He was
today the official recording of the child’s name is a part of the circumcision
ceremony, which is called the brit milah. I wrote about this in my book titled,
His Name Is Jesus.
22- 24 – When Jesus was forty days old Joseph and Mary took him
to the Temple in Jerusalem to be dedicated to the Lord. This was all done in
accordance with the Law of Moses.
25-27 – The old man, Simeon, had been told by God that he
would live to see Messiah. The Holy Spirit came upon Simeon and when he went to
the Temple he recognized Jesus as his long awaited Messiah.
From the book, He is the ONE, by Connie Wohlford |
28-32 – Simeon took baby Jesus up in his arms, blessed God and
said: “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to
Your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation...” (v. 29-30).
– Joseph and Mary were amazed.
34-35 – Simeon blessed them and said, “Behold, this Child is
destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel...”
– The elderly woman, Anna, a prophetess who served God faithfully, came in and
instantly recognized Jesus as Messiah and gave thanks to the Lord.
my book, He Is the ONE, I wrote about these amazing happenings on Jesus
dedication day.
39-40 – Joseph and Mary took Jesus and returned to Nazareth, “And
the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace
of God was upon Him.”
41-42 – Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem every year for the
Feast of the Passover. Luke tells about the time when Jesus was with them at
the age of twelve.
43-44 – When they were ready to return home Jesus lingered
behind but His parents didn’t know. They figured He was with other members of
their group. After a day’s journey they couldn’t find Him.
45-47 – They returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. After
three days of searching they found Him in the Temple sitting among the
teachers. “And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and
answers“ (v. 47).
– When His parents saw Him, they were amazed. Mary said, “Son, why have you
done this to us? Look, your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
His answer: “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My
Father’s business?”
– They didn’t understand.
– They all went home to Nazareth and Jesus was subject to them. Mary “kept all
these things in her heart” (v. 51).
– “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”
There we have it—the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke.
Thank you for joining in on this December challenge. I pray you’ll being
blessed in it.
Your comments are welcome below. All who read will enjoy
hearing about the highlights of Luke 2 from your perspective.
God bless you as you meditate on the wonder of the birth and
early days of our Lord. And, like Mary, keep these things in your heart as you
experience this Christmas Season.
©Copyright 2017 Connie Wohlford