5 words, “He went out not knowing...,” are found in the Bible. Do you know who
said them and of whom they were said?
Speaking of Abraham, the writer of the
Book of Hebrews said, “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called
to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went
out, not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he dwelt in the
land of promise as in a foreign
country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same
promise; (Heb. 11:8-9 KJV).”
we begin a new year. Like Abraham, we go out not knowing what lies ahead.
We don’t know what awaits around the bend. It might hold abundant joys and
really cool adventures−or perhaps even great sorrows and trials.
When God called Abraham, (named Abram
at the time) he obeyed, without hesitation. When he went out not knowing,
he was taking a huge step of faith. God had called him to leave his home and
kin. He didn’t have a reference point, or much of a family history with God. He
was living in Haran, a pagan place. He couldn’t sing a song like Faith of Our Fathers to build his faith
or boost his confidence. He took his wife, servants, Lot, his newhew, and their
livestock and went out totally not knowing anything except that God had told
him to do so.
So here we are, entering into a new
year and we go out, not knowing what will befall us in 2016. We anticipate,
hoping and expecting good things. Some among us are expecting a baby, planning
a wedding, going to graduate, building a new house, and on and on.
Those of us who are in Christ, do NOT
need to worry as we step into the new year. God told us very clearly in Luke
12:22 not to worry about anything. In other words, we are not to worry about
things that concern us as we go out, not
knowing what lies ahead. We don’t need to worry because God knows!
There are two 2-word sentences that
give me great comfort as I face the unknown. The first is “I AM,” which God said about Himself to Moses through the burning
bush. He was letting Moses know that Jehovah God was anything and everything Moses
and the children of Israel would need for any trial or situation they’d faced.
My other 2-word sentence is, “God knows.” When I encounter a trial, especially when
I see no good ending, I remind myself, “God knows.” I know it is truth; He is
good; He loves me with unfailing love; and He knows what’s best for me in any
Granted, when January 1st
rolls around each year, we don’t know what lies ahead of us, or for any of our
loved ones. Fear of the unknown can have a profound effect on an individual.
What does fear do to us? Fear keeps us focused
on the past & constantly worried about the future. It creates desperation
and indecision that paralyzes our logic, thinking, and actions. Fear causes us
to be hesitant in exploring new concepts and embracing new possibilities. We
can't live freely when we live in fear of the unknown.
Jesus said to His
disciples, “Therefore I say to you,
do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you
will put on (Luke
Let’s consider things that we DO
know, as we embark on a New Year−for that matter, as we embark on any new day:
Jesus said, “Don’t worry about anything.” Let’s
take Him at His word. “For I know whom I have believed and am
persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against
that day (2 Timothy 1:12).”
Always remember, God loves us with unfailing love.
God knows our end before our beginning. He said so! −Isaiah 46:10
God created each of us, and knows each of us better than we know
ourselves. He knows what’s best for us. Therefore, we can rest assured that He
has our best interest in mind in all
Yes, we might miss God and mess up along the way but He knows our heart
and can always get us straightened out when we cooperate with Him.
God gives us principles and precepts to guide us and we can trust His
Word. Of course we must read and study His Word in order to know these things.
We have His presence at all times. When we’re in His family, His Holy
Spirit dwells in us. He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you (Heb.
As we go out in complete
surrender to our Creator, we shouldn’t be surprised at marvelous things He will
do in us and through us.
an Abraham. Leave everything, and if you do this in faith, verily ye shall not
lack your reward. He is able, and he has promised to give you in this life ten
times more than you lose for him, and in the world to come life everlasting.”
“Let us … put the most implicit trust in our wonder-working God;
when we recollect what he has already done for us.”

“As for you that believe not in God, may you be led to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as in your Redeemer, and afterwards to trust your God, and leave all your concerns in his hands.” -Charles Spurgeon-
©Connie Wohlford 2015